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Welcome to JobSites411. If you're looking for more than job postings and basic industry information, you've come to the right place. JobSites411 provides you with much more than just job postings - although we have an excellent list of jobs. Here you can also find complete information about the job or career you're interested in, including the different kind of jobs available and which ones have the brightest future outlook, the average salary they pay, and the education and training you need to get one.

With some of the careers you'll also learn which states employ the most people in that industry.

You could spend hours looking for this same information on the Web at other sites, but we offer it all to you in seconds, in a single click.

Job boards just give you a list of jobs. Industry websites give you good industry information, but may not focus on the career aspects of the industry as thoroughly as we do.

Jobsites411 combines these two types of sites for you, giving you the overall outlook of each kind of job or industry, how it is expected to do in the future, the different jobs available, salary and education information, and a great list of jobs as well.

It's the industry-specific information you're looking for, for a growing number of industries, all at your fingertips.

We've spent hours researching these industries so you won't have to, and we have found all the resources you need. Here is a listing of the industries we're covering, along with a brief sample of what you'll learn about each of them.

Accounting Jobs: It's a good time to become an accountant. The number of accounting jobs is expected to increase by more than 18%, especially higher-level positions. The average annual salary for accounting jobs is also looking good, at more than $57,000 per year.

Airline Jobs: If you've always wanted to be a pilot, now's the time to go for it. There will be a high demand for both pilots and air traffic controllers in the coming years. Flight attendant positions may be harder to come by. Pilots, flight engineers, and air traffic controllers can earn the highest incomes in the industry.

Alaska Jobs: Today's most in-demand workers in Alaska are teachers, hospitality workers, and transportation workers. With tourism one of the biggest industries, there will be a growing demand for workers in this field, especially during the summer. But you can earn a higher salary there than in other parts of the country.

Casino Jobs: There are now more than 1 million people working for casinos in the United States, and the number of casinos continues to grow. There are several kinds of jobs available, and most of them don't require a college degree.

Clerical Jobs: Paper is out and electronic files are in, so if you want a clerical job, make sure it's not a job filing papers. Soon there will be much fewer of those jobs, as companies turn to digital means to store their important files. The pay for clerical work is improving, with some workers earning as much as $44,000 a year.

Cruise Ship Jobs: Cruise ships just keep getting bigger. That means the number of workers needed to staff them is also getting bigger. Every year up to 20 new luxury liners are launched, each with more than 1,000 staff. The types of jobs with cruise lines range from hospitality to food and beverage, photography, and entertainment.

Data Entry Jobs: You can earn a good salary of about $30,000 a year and you won't need a college degree to get a data entry job. However, you may find it difficult to get one of these jobs, since improving computer technologies will result in a decreased demand for data entry workers. Still, if you have good computer skills, it's a great way to use them.

Diving Jobs: There are many kinds of diving jobs, not just those that involve tourists and the ocean. With the right training you could become a commercial diver performing underwater construction tasks, salvage, and research tasks. Commercial divers are paid well. And the list of states that employ the largest number of commercial divers may surprise you.

Dude Ranch Jobs: Can you get a full-time, year-round job at a dude ranch? Find out with a click of your mouse. We also provide a list of the states that hire the most dude ranch employees, and let you know which jobs are most in demand and when.

Finance Jobs: Jobs in the field of finance are all about money: either earning it for a client, or providing funds through loans. Either way, it's about working with clients and keeping their interests in mind. A growing number of financial products will create a greater need for employees in this potentially high-paying field.

Fitness Jobs: Now's the time to launch a career in the fitness industry.

In the coming years there will be a higher demand for fitness workers to help individuals or groups achieve their fitness goals. A growing desire for improved health and fitness by the general public will make this a hot career in the future.

Health Care Jobs: The number of health care jobs will continue to increase rapidly in the next several years. One segment in particular, the home health care segment, will experience a very high demand for workers. Not every health care position requires extensive education. You can find out the educational requirements on our site.

Hospitality Jobs: You won't need a college degree to get a good job in the hospitality industry, but you may need to get one to become a manager. You'll also need to be prepared to work evenings and weekends, and often on your feet. But if you like people, you may find the work rewarding.

Human Resources Jobs: More companies recognize the value of human resources. Hiring and retaining quality people save a company money and can end up adding to its bottom line. While entry level human resources jobs will decline in the coming years, there will be a high demand for specialized workers and managers.

Internet Jobs: There are jobs for all kinds of people, whether you are creative, technical, or a bit of both. There will be a higher future demand for some Internet jobs than others. The more technical you are, the more pay you may be able to earn.

IT Jobs: IT is one of the most rapidly growing job fields in the country and will continue to grow over the next several years. You'll have a good chance of landing one of these well-paying jobs if you get a technical degree of some kind. Computer managers can earn more than $100,000.

Marketing Jobs: The future demand for entry level marketing people is expected to increase dramatically. These jobs require a college degree, so once you have that under your belt chances are you'll land a job in an increasingly growing field thanks to the Internet. Workers in social media marketing will be especially in demand.

Oil Industry Jobs: Oil industry workers are well-paid, and most jobs with oil companies don't require a college education. Geoscientists, researchers, and engineers are in demand, and these jobs do require a degree.

Pharmaceutical Jobs: The hot pharmaceutical jobs in the coming years will be retail related. If you want to work in a pharmacy as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, you will be rewarded. Pharmacists are highly paid workers, and technicians will be in very high demand.find a job image

Psychology Jobs: Psychologists have more options than you think. You'll need a college degree, and in some jobs a master's or PhD, but most psychologists find the work and the pay rewarding.

Retail Jobs: The majority of retail workers are employed as sales clerks, but there are other forms of retail employment opportunities available. Find out which kinds of retail stores offer the best pay, and what kind of education and training you need to become a manager.

Sales Jobs: Considered one of the most important departments of any company, there will always be the need for excellent sales people. There are many types of sales jobs, with varying requirements and salaries. However, if you are driven to earn more money, a sales job may be right for you.

Ski Resort Jobs: Seasonal employment is more likely than full-time employment at ski resorts, but there are some year-round jobs. Resorts need more than ski instructors and safety patrol staff, although those jobs are needed too. See which part of the United States hires more people for ski resort jobs.

Sports Jobs: The U.S. population's love of sports ensures that there will always be an increasing demand for players, athletes, coaches, umpires, referees, and trainers.  The increase in the number of future jobs in sports may surprise you, as well as the annual average salaries.

Summer Jobs: Summer jobs are more prevalent than you think. The leading summer employers are the hospitality and food service industries, but you can get good paying summer jobs at lots of other places.

Teaching Jobs: If Math and Science are your favorite subjects, consider teaching them. There will be an increasing demand for teachers in these subjects. The good news for teachers is that it is no longer a low paying career choice. The average annual salary may be higher than you think.

Tech Jobs: Tech isn't just about computers. Take a look at some of the employment opportunities in technology you may not have considered, including jobs in health care and communications. Salaries are good, and the demand will also be on the rise for many tech positions.

Trucking Jobs: Trucking doesn't always mean long-distance travel. Some jobs are city-wide delivery routes with regular business hours. You won't need a college degree, but you may need a commercial driver's license.

Wine Industry Jobs: Take your passion for wine and make it a career. There are more wineries in the United States than ever before. See the many different jobs in this rapidly growing industry and which positions earn top salaries.

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